Never Too Late!
Never Too Late!
any resemblance to anyone real or imaginary is mere bad luck
we are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are trying to get up
any resemblance to anyone real or imaginary is mere bad luck
we are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are trying to get up
Back again and then
[panic stalks even the bare hills here
it never quite leaves me]
Stay tuned. Maintain radio contact. Keep a low profile. Practise all relevant anti-surveillance techniques. Stay calm, and never admit to anything. Don't worry, we will meet again.
it never quite leaves me]
Lazy never continued the story he began with 'The Return', below...
It was tapped out in the freezing cold glorious glittering sun and crystal sky Kabul dawn (preternaturally clear, for one morning the smog and smoke has blown away and the far high mountains are visible clad in snow) shivering in the office, twisted and drunk and two days and nights sleepless through three countries.
The dynamics of the situation are...
"خانه دوست كجاست؟" در فلق بود كه پرسيد سوار.
آسمان مكثي كرد.
رهگذر شاخه نوري كه به لب داشت به تاريكي شنها بخشيد
و به انگشت نشان داد سپيداري و گفت:
"نرسيده به درخت،
كوچه باغي است كه از خواب خدا سبزتر است
و در آن عشق به اندازه پرهاي صداقت آبي است
ميروي تا ته آن كوچه كه از پشت بلوغ، سر به در ميآرد،
پس به سمت گل تنهايي ميپيچي،
دو قدم مانده به گل،
پاي فواره جاويد اساطير زمين ميماني
و تو را ترسي شفاف فرا ميگيرد.
در صميميت سيال فضا، خشخشي ميشنوي:
كودكي ميبيني
رفته از كاج بلندي بالا، جوجه بردارد از لانه نور
و از او ميپرسي
خانه دوست كجاست."
“Where is the friend’s house?” asked the horseman just at dawn.
The heavens paused.
A wayfarer took the bright branch from his lips,
conferred it on the darkness of the sands,
pointed with his finger to a poplar tree and said,
“Just before that tree
there is a garden path greener than God’s dreams.
In it there is love as wide as the blue wings of true friendship.
You go on to the end of the path that takes up again
just beyond maturity,
then turn toward the flower of loneliness.
Two steps before the flower,
stop at the eternal fountain of earthly myth.
There a transparent terror will seize you,
and in the sincerity of the streaming heavens
you will hear a rustling.
High up in a pine tree,
you will see a child
who will lift a chick out of a nest of light.
Ask him,
“Where is the friend’s house?”
آسمان مكثي كرد.
رهگذر شاخه نوري كه به لب داشت به تاريكي شنها بخشيد
و به انگشت نشان داد سپيداري و گفت:
"نرسيده به درخت،
كوچه باغي است كه از خواب خدا سبزتر است
و در آن عشق به اندازه پرهاي صداقت آبي است
ميروي تا ته آن كوچه كه از پشت بلوغ، سر به در ميآرد،
پس به سمت گل تنهايي ميپيچي،
دو قدم مانده به گل،
پاي فواره جاويد اساطير زمين ميماني
و تو را ترسي شفاف فرا ميگيرد.
در صميميت سيال فضا، خشخشي ميشنوي:
كودكي ميبيني
رفته از كاج بلندي بالا، جوجه بردارد از لانه نور
و از او ميپرسي
خانه دوست كجاست."
“Where is the friend’s house?” asked the horseman just at dawn.
The heavens paused.
A wayfarer took the bright branch from his lips,
conferred it on the darkness of the sands,
pointed with his finger to a poplar tree and said,
“Just before that tree
there is a garden path greener than God’s dreams.
In it there is love as wide as the blue wings of true friendship.
You go on to the end of the path that takes up again
just beyond maturity,
then turn toward the flower of loneliness.
Two steps before the flower,
stop at the eternal fountain of earthly myth.
There a transparent terror will seize you,
and in the sincerity of the streaming heavens
you will hear a rustling.
High up in a pine tree,
you will see a child
who will lift a chick out of a nest of light.
Ask him,
“Where is the friend’s house?”
"Well, wishing you godspeed..."
"Godspeed? What speed is that?"
"Oh, about 120 mph or so..."
(Approximately the terminal velocity of a human body in free-fall)
"Oh, about 120 mph or so..."
(Approximately the terminal velocity of a human body in free-fall)